Friday, November 3, 2017

YA organised list

Should I be paying attention in class? ya probably? am i gonna keep asking myself questions and answering them? eh ya. is my grammar going to get better because im writing in school and trying to reach a larger audience? no i told yall i just write and click publish i do zero editing and that wont be changing. anyways if im being completely truthful school has been kicking my butt and i havent really had time to read. cry for me. sad sad tears of a clown. ive been either writing essay, worksheets, labs and if i have five seconds i bury myself in wattpad because that requires zero commitment and its a fun place to get lost in. but because im bored and wanted to write but havent read anything i thought lets make a list. i dont really know but we are gonna list but it should probably be book related and YA related and amusing.

  1. begin with the number one because that's how lists start, make sure number one is interesting because you kind of set the mood for the rest of the list
  2. google playlists for books because there are people who match songs to parts of books and its like perfectly matched background music for that scene in the book, epic example the fight scene in the relentless novel got matched with jungle by x ambassadors. epic. as. shit. 
  3. go on goodreads and join fan clubs for your books/authors so you can remember there are other people with obsessions and you arent crazy. or at least youre not alone.
  4. make snacks based off the books youve read. if you that intense crazy book person go pintrest some "hunger games" snacks and eat them while reading
  5. watch the movies and compare them to the books, while some were great amazing close to the book the boys just as cute in real life (harry potter, the hunger games, etc.) some suck but and white wash the characters you know and love (maximum ride) then brag about how "the book was better" because the book is always better
  6. start a book blog
  7. read all my previous posts because you love me and then comment on them because you love me
  8. watch book trailers and hunt through recs and goodreads and start your to read list
  9. grow the to read list like its a small child or a plant in you practice celibacy. nurture the list. love the list. read the list. repeat. 
  10. JOIN A FANDOM. YOU WILL PROBABLY REGRET IT BUT AT THE SAME TIME GO FIND YOUR FAMILY. stay away from some of the shadowhunter fandoms some of those get super shady super fast. shadow. shady. that was not intended but I respect myself for it none the less. 
  11. go search amazon for literally any book merch you can find and start hording 
  12. find out what faction you would be in (I got erudite which i find super dumb because i find myslef super dumb. if i were to be in one tbh i think i would be in dauntless or amite because im a loving human who enjoys jumping off tall structures.)
  13. turn me in for being divergent